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Our comprehensive guide to content optimization for b2b blogs

Our comprehensive guide to content optimization for b2b blogs

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Our comprehensive guide to content optimization for b2b blogs

6 minute read

Our comprehensive guide to content optimization for b2b blogs

Afoma Umesi

GatherContent Contributor, Writer
Content optimization is an integral part of any content marketing strategy. It ensures that all published content is in the best shape to generate maximum traffic and drive conversions. If your team is struggling with aged content that’s no longer performing well or never hit the traffic or conversion goals you set out to accomplish, content optimization may be the fix you need.

Table of contents


We’ll explore what content optimization is and review some content optimization goals worth adding to your strategy box.

What is content optimization?

Content optimization is the process of enhancing content to increase its chances of reaching set goals. While most people think of optimization mainly in the context of search engine optimization (SEO), content optimization strategy varies depending on your goals.

Why is it important?

Optimizing content to meet certain criteria allows content marketers to do three things:

  • Improve SERP performance: Although new content can be optimized, it’s common for content teams to wait and see how a post performs on search engine result pages (SERPs) before optimizing it. After a thorough content audit, they decide which articles to optimize. Content optimization improves the search engine ranking of new and older articles.
  • Revive old articles: Some articles start out high-performing, driving conversions and ranking on the first page of SERPs, but after some time, the metrics begin to dwindle. Content optimization revives such content and gives it a second life.
  • Provide more useful content: Not all content is evergreen, so most blog posts need to update to align with new industry trends, improve information, or simply provide more detailed information to add value for readers.

Content optimization goals

The reasons for optimizing content vary from person to person, but there are three common content optimization goals.

Optimizing content for SEO

This is one of the most common reasons for content optimization, and it’s not hard to see why. Marketers constantly aim for the top spot on search engine result pages to increase their organic traffic.

A study by Backlinko showed that the number one result in Google search has a click-through rate (CTR) of 27.6%. With only 0.63% of Google searchers seeing page two of the results, you can’t blame anyone hustling for that top spot.

To optimize your content for search engines, pay attention to these three elements:


Visuals are crucial to creating engaging articles. Optimizing images for organic search means ensuring that they support the other content on the web page and make your content more likely to rank. Some ways to optimize images are:

  • Add alt tags: Alt tags (or alt text) is a descriptive caption that improves the accessibility of your content for users who may be visually impaired. Your alt text should describe what’s happening in the image. It can also be helpful for those browsing with slow internet speeds unable to load images. Additionally, alt text tells search engine bots what your image is and helps them recognize its relevance to the rest of your content.
  • Name appropriately: Descriptive, accurate image names that include your target keyword help your images rank for a related search query. To make an even greater impact, use your site analytic tools to see how customers phrase their searches and name images accordingly.
  • Resize for faster site speed: Slow site speed can negatively impact your site. According to research by Portent, “a site that loads in 1 second has a conversion rate 3x higher than a site that loads in 5 seconds.” Larger images can slow down your site, so use smaller images 500kb or less.
  • Choose the correct image format: Popular formats include JPEG, PNG, BMP and TIFF. But the most optimized formats for faster loading are png and jpeg. JPEG allows for better image compression, which maintains a smaller size and is better for web page images. However, PNG retains more details and is a better choice for logos and images with transparent backgrounds.


Text often makes up the largest percentage of your content and should be highly optimized for search engines. Adequate keyword research is a major part of creating high-quality SEO content. This makes it more likely to rank for your target keywords. However, it is still important to write with your target audience in mind and not solely for robots.

Optimizing text for SEO involves the following tasks:

  • Add a title tag: The title tag signals to search engines what the subject matter of your content is. It should include your relevant keyword and be engaging so that it can draw readers' attention on SERPs.
  • Add a meta description: Although search engines do not always show the full meta description, a good meta description can be important and appealing to readers. It handily shows them a peek at the scope of your article.
  • Use proper heading structure: Proper use of headings and subheadings (H1, H2, etc.) improves readability, makes content easier to navigate, and also tells search engines how well you cover the subject matter.
  • Add internal links: Internal linking helps search engines understand your website architecture and can increase the domain authority of individual web pages. It also improves user experience as readers can readily find related content on your website.
  • Cover subject matter comprehensively: Optimized content should match search intent. This means that your content should completely answer readers' questions on the subject. Matching search intent also means that a large percentage of your content should be focused on covering your target keyword.
Good to Know: GatherContent allows you to set up content templates with slots for blog titles and meta descriptions, so you never forget to include them in your pieces. You can also add title and meta description guidelines for the writers on your team to ensure consistency.
Blog templates make it easier to set up title tags and meta descriptions on GatherContent


The process of optimizing video content differs from platform to platform. The process is simpler for site videos. If you upload a video directly to your website, consider resizing it to avoid slowing site speed.

Videos uploaded to other platforms, such as YouTube, may require a longer optimization process. For example, a key step is to add a video title that includes your keyword. It’s also important to incorporate the keyword in your video description, add an appealing thumbnail, and include closed captioning or subtitles to make your content more widely accessible.

Learn More: 12 steps to writing engaging SEO content, from strategy to publication.

Optimizing content for backlinks and shares

Another common optimization goal is to increase backlinks and social media shares. Link building can increase your website’s domain authority and make it easier to rank for search terms.

The key to generating links and shares is to provide value to your target audience. Here are three ways to do it:

  • Create valuable resources: Whether it’s an infographic, unique lead magnet, or a highly detailed how-to article, useful resources draw users in and encourage shares and links to your content.
  • Add expert quotes: Including expert contributions to your article increases its credibility and value. More importantly, the experts quoted are also likely to share the content with their network, generating more reach for your content.
  • Share valuable research and examples: Industry statistic round-ups, case studies, and unique screenshot examples quickly lead to backlinks and shares within networks. Writers and other marketers love to cite studies to back up their claims, and there can never be enough relevant, up-to-date statistics and examples. Brands like Ahrefs have had success with this strategy.

Optimizing content for conversions

If traffic and backlinks are no longer enough and you’re all about the conversions, content optimization can also help you. Here are two ways to optimize content for conversions:

  • Product-led content: This is an effective bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) content type. It involves showcasing content features and uses throughout the piece.
Screenshot of Jasper website. The page describes an example of creating an AI LinkedIn About section. It includes a template with specified witty tone of voice, point of view, and personal information. showcases product features with exceptional product-led content

For example, on the blog, the company showcases its product’s templates and scope of action.

To create impactful product-led content, research keywords related to your product’s features and the solutions it provides for users. Then create content and share screenshots, GIFs, and video tutorials that help readers see the power of your product.

  • Strong CTAs: It’s hard to drive conversions without a call-to-action. But not just any CTA will do. Here are some ways to strengthen your CTAs:
  • Use buttons instead of hyperlinked text. Buttons are more prominent, especially in bold primary colors.
  • Add copy with action words that highlight benefits. For example, on the Wave blog, the brand tells visitors to “Get 1:1 help,” highlighting the action and the fact that Wave advisors take the weight off.

Screenshot of Wave website. The highlighted section shows a banner saying, Didn't go to school for tax forms? Don't worry, we did so you don't have to. A button reads: Get 1:1 help
Wave uses in-content CTA buttons to optimize for conversions
  • Add multiple calls to action throughout the piece. Give your audience several opportunities to try your product. Don’t reserve CTAs for the end of your content.
Good to Know: Launching a new website? Get our post-product launch checklist to stay on top of your content.

Optimized content helps you win

Content optimization may seem like a lot of work, but it with an efficient content marketing platform like GatherContent, it’s easier to manage. Set up content templates, create team workflows, and collaboratively review each piece of content.

Optimizing your content can lead to increased blog traffic, more backlinks and shares, and higher conversion rates for your website. We think it’s worth the extra effort for content marketing success.

Want to learn more about creating a sustainable content strategy and workflow? Sign up to the GatherContent newsletter.

We’ll explore what content optimization is and review some content optimization goals worth adding to your strategy box.

What is content optimization?

Content optimization is the process of enhancing content to increase its chances of reaching set goals. While most people think of optimization mainly in the context of search engine optimization (SEO), content optimization strategy varies depending on your goals.

Why is it important?

Optimizing content to meet certain criteria allows content marketers to do three things:

  • Improve SERP performance: Although new content can be optimized, it’s common for content teams to wait and see how a post performs on search engine result pages (SERPs) before optimizing it. After a thorough content audit, they decide which articles to optimize. Content optimization improves the search engine ranking of new and older articles.
  • Revive old articles: Some articles start out high-performing, driving conversions and ranking on the first page of SERPs, but after some time, the metrics begin to dwindle. Content optimization revives such content and gives it a second life.
  • Provide more useful content: Not all content is evergreen, so most blog posts need to update to align with new industry trends, improve information, or simply provide more detailed information to add value for readers.

Content optimization goals

The reasons for optimizing content vary from person to person, but there are three common content optimization goals.

Optimizing content for SEO

This is one of the most common reasons for content optimization, and it’s not hard to see why. Marketers constantly aim for the top spot on search engine result pages to increase their organic traffic.

A study by Backlinko showed that the number one result in Google search has a click-through rate (CTR) of 27.6%. With only 0.63% of Google searchers seeing page two of the results, you can’t blame anyone hustling for that top spot.

To optimize your content for search engines, pay attention to these three elements:


Visuals are crucial to creating engaging articles. Optimizing images for organic search means ensuring that they support the other content on the web page and make your content more likely to rank. Some ways to optimize images are:

  • Add alt tags: Alt tags (or alt text) is a descriptive caption that improves the accessibility of your content for users who may be visually impaired. Your alt text should describe what’s happening in the image. It can also be helpful for those browsing with slow internet speeds unable to load images. Additionally, alt text tells search engine bots what your image is and helps them recognize its relevance to the rest of your content.
  • Name appropriately: Descriptive, accurate image names that include your target keyword help your images rank for a related search query. To make an even greater impact, use your site analytic tools to see how customers phrase their searches and name images accordingly.
  • Resize for faster site speed: Slow site speed can negatively impact your site. According to research by Portent, “a site that loads in 1 second has a conversion rate 3x higher than a site that loads in 5 seconds.” Larger images can slow down your site, so use smaller images 500kb or less.
  • Choose the correct image format: Popular formats include JPEG, PNG, BMP and TIFF. But the most optimized formats for faster loading are png and jpeg. JPEG allows for better image compression, which maintains a smaller size and is better for web page images. However, PNG retains more details and is a better choice for logos and images with transparent backgrounds.


Text often makes up the largest percentage of your content and should be highly optimized for search engines. Adequate keyword research is a major part of creating high-quality SEO content. This makes it more likely to rank for your target keywords. However, it is still important to write with your target audience in mind and not solely for robots.

Optimizing text for SEO involves the following tasks:

  • Add a title tag: The title tag signals to search engines what the subject matter of your content is. It should include your relevant keyword and be engaging so that it can draw readers' attention on SERPs.
  • Add a meta description: Although search engines do not always show the full meta description, a good meta description can be important and appealing to readers. It handily shows them a peek at the scope of your article.
  • Use proper heading structure: Proper use of headings and subheadings (H1, H2, etc.) improves readability, makes content easier to navigate, and also tells search engines how well you cover the subject matter.
  • Add internal links: Internal linking helps search engines understand your website architecture and can increase the domain authority of individual web pages. It also improves user experience as readers can readily find related content on your website.
  • Cover subject matter comprehensively: Optimized content should match search intent. This means that your content should completely answer readers' questions on the subject. Matching search intent also means that a large percentage of your content should be focused on covering your target keyword.
Good to Know: GatherContent allows you to set up content templates with slots for blog titles and meta descriptions, so you never forget to include them in your pieces. You can also add title and meta description guidelines for the writers on your team to ensure consistency.
Blog templates make it easier to set up title tags and meta descriptions on GatherContent


The process of optimizing video content differs from platform to platform. The process is simpler for site videos. If you upload a video directly to your website, consider resizing it to avoid slowing site speed.

Videos uploaded to other platforms, such as YouTube, may require a longer optimization process. For example, a key step is to add a video title that includes your keyword. It’s also important to incorporate the keyword in your video description, add an appealing thumbnail, and include closed captioning or subtitles to make your content more widely accessible.

Learn More: 12 steps to writing engaging SEO content, from strategy to publication.

Optimizing content for backlinks and shares

Another common optimization goal is to increase backlinks and social media shares. Link building can increase your website’s domain authority and make it easier to rank for search terms.

The key to generating links and shares is to provide value to your target audience. Here are three ways to do it:

  • Create valuable resources: Whether it’s an infographic, unique lead magnet, or a highly detailed how-to article, useful resources draw users in and encourage shares and links to your content.
  • Add expert quotes: Including expert contributions to your article increases its credibility and value. More importantly, the experts quoted are also likely to share the content with their network, generating more reach for your content.
  • Share valuable research and examples: Industry statistic round-ups, case studies, and unique screenshot examples quickly lead to backlinks and shares within networks. Writers and other marketers love to cite studies to back up their claims, and there can never be enough relevant, up-to-date statistics and examples. Brands like Ahrefs have had success with this strategy.

Optimizing content for conversions

If traffic and backlinks are no longer enough and you’re all about the conversions, content optimization can also help you. Here are two ways to optimize content for conversions:

  • Product-led content: This is an effective bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) content type. It involves showcasing content features and uses throughout the piece.
Screenshot of Jasper website. The page describes an example of creating an AI LinkedIn About section. It includes a template with specified witty tone of voice, point of view, and personal information. showcases product features with exceptional product-led content

For example, on the blog, the company showcases its product’s templates and scope of action.

To create impactful product-led content, research keywords related to your product’s features and the solutions it provides for users. Then create content and share screenshots, GIFs, and video tutorials that help readers see the power of your product.

  • Strong CTAs: It’s hard to drive conversions without a call-to-action. But not just any CTA will do. Here are some ways to strengthen your CTAs:
  • Use buttons instead of hyperlinked text. Buttons are more prominent, especially in bold primary colors.
  • Add copy with action words that highlight benefits. For example, on the Wave blog, the brand tells visitors to “Get 1:1 help,” highlighting the action and the fact that Wave advisors take the weight off.

Screenshot of Wave website. The highlighted section shows a banner saying, Didn't go to school for tax forms? Don't worry, we did so you don't have to. A button reads: Get 1:1 help
Wave uses in-content CTA buttons to optimize for conversions
  • Add multiple calls to action throughout the piece. Give your audience several opportunities to try your product. Don’t reserve CTAs for the end of your content.
Good to Know: Launching a new website? Get our post-product launch checklist to stay on top of your content.

Optimized content helps you win

Content optimization may seem like a lot of work, but it with an efficient content marketing platform like GatherContent, it’s easier to manage. Set up content templates, create team workflows, and collaboratively review each piece of content.

Optimizing your content can lead to increased blog traffic, more backlinks and shares, and higher conversion rates for your website. We think it’s worth the extra effort for content marketing success.

Want to learn more about creating a sustainable content strategy and workflow? Sign up to the GatherContent newsletter.

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